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What does compensation
REALLY cost you?

Compensation is the #1 cost for businesses, but it includes more than the dollars you pay employees. Our cost calculators will expose your hidden costs of compensation.

Trusted By Industry Leading Customers

Frequently Asked Questions

Where does your compensation data come from?

OpenComp data comes directly from our thousands of customers.

We do not buy outside data, and unlike many other providers, we do not utilize surveys that usually have out-of-date and inaccurately reported compensation data.

The OpenComp data set is unmatched in its specificity to small and medium businesses. Every input undergoes rigorous vetting from a team of compensation experts.

How to Differentiate Between Good & Bad Comp Data

What stages of funding are in your data set?

Our data represents private and public companies of all sizes in nearly 50 countries around the world, across almost two dozen industries. When you use OpenComp, you can be sure that you are building a compensation strategy that's as competitive as possible with companies like yours. 

What is a compensation strategy?

How often is your data refreshed?

Unlike traditional compensation data providers that update annually, our benchmarks are refreshed on an ongoing basis, giving you access to a perfect blend of up-to-date information and data accuracy.

We integrate with 20+ HRIS and equity management providers to automate compensation data entry and update your data and insights daily. This ensures you have the most timely compensation intelligence at your fingertips to conserve cash, ensure pay equity, and keep high performers.

Compensation Benchmarking for Startups: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

How many companies in XYZ location can we compare to?

All of our benchmarks are statistically significant and accurate. We do not report locations where we cannot guarantee statistical significance and accuracy.

Simplify decision making with automated data intelligence

How many HRIS providers do you integrate with?

OpenComp integrates with 20+ HRIS and equity management providers. Simply access your admin console, click on the Sync Employees tab, and select your provider. The system will guide your integration process from there.

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